For many, October 31 is known as "Halloween", but for others, it represents something far more important to church history - Reformation Day.
Just what IS "Reformation Day"? It is an official holiday in some areas of Europe (particularly heavily-Lutheran Germany) and in Chile, and observed by some protestants that celebrates the "95 Theses" of Martin Luther, who famously nailed his objections to practices of the Catholic Church, on the door of the church in Wittenberg. This event was one of the sparks that lit the "protestant reformation".
While many Baptists do not directly claim lineage from the Reformation (rejecting the "protestant" label - a whole other historical discussion), the spirit of the Reformation is important to remember, in that it was a case where someone within the formal church was willing to speak up for what scripture said vs. what the church "authority" was proclaiming. Among Luther's objections was the practice of selling indulgences - essentially "get out of Purgatory free" cards.
While Bible-believers of today don't necessarily feel a strong connection to the Reformation that came about so many centuries ago, it is my personal opinion it is time for a NEW REFORMATION! With so many individual churches and even entire denominations blatantly rejecting the Bible's clear teachings on many issues, with even the current Pope seemingly mocking those who believe in the biblical account of creation, and with morality being thrown under the bus of "feelings", it is time for those who still believe God's Word is what IT says It is - the truth - to take a stand, to "nail our theses" to the doors of churches across this nation and around the world. Stand up for what the Bible says. Stand up for right, while standing against evil.
It is time for those who call themselves preachers and pastors to speak the truth - the horrendous and eternal consequences of sin and the failure to repent and trust the redeeming "paid-in-full" price He paid. It is time to proclaim what the Bible says is right and wrong. It is time to caution against continuing in sin (Romans 6:1-2). We are living in a time when church pews have a disturbing number of people that passages like Hebrews 6 are warning against - those who have seen the truth, who have "experienced" it (or as 2 Peter 2:20-22 puts it - who have escaped the defilement of this world through "knowledge" of the Lord - but who are not indeed redeemed - who will face an end far worse than had they experienced the Lord in the first place).
We see Christianity losing influence - because "Christianity" has come to mean little with people professing the "religion", but demonstrating through their lives something far different.
IT is time for the true believers to stand up for the Truth - it's time for a "New Reformation". It's time to quit "majoring in the minors" and get the foundation right - that is, the Word of God!
Thoughts floating around about my current ministry endeavors, challenges, blessings, as well as reflections on the state of Christianity and our culture.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Soft, Gushy, Dead Faith and the Modern Church
There is a disease in this nation (spreading around the globe) that is far worse than Ebola. This disease doesn't typically ravage you physical health quite as directly as Ebola or other viral diseases, yet it most certainly leads to death.
This disease is Dead Faith.
This is the disease that James wrote of in James 2 that is a faith without works. Now, let me be clear on something, I in absolutely NO way believe, follow, or endorse ANY form of works-based salvation. Scripture is clear that Salvation is by Grace, through Faith ALONE (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Jesus Himself said that a tree is known by its fruits (Matthew 7:16, Luke 6:44). It is the life we live in this world that demonstrates if we are "in the faith". In fact, one way of "test your faith" (2 Corinthians 13:5) is by examining our works, our behavior, our lives. Whether it be our stewardship of all that God entrusts us with (finances, life, time, faith), or how we treat others we encounter in our walk (James 2:1-8). Do we genuinely hate sin? Are we grieved when we commit sin? Are we anxious to repent when we sin? Does this sin exercised in the world around us also cause us to grieve? If the answer to any of these is no - then there is no genuine fruit produced by the Spirit in you, as the Spirit of repentance is one of the first and biggest of fruits produced when we genuinely belong to the Lord.
So where am I going with this? Today's world, and particularly in this nation, we see many so-called "churches" proclaiming what is, in essence and practical application, a centuries (millennia even) old heresy known from several centuries back as Antinomianism (From the Greek words anti meaning "against", and nomos, which means "law" or "against the law". This is the theology/doctrine that if you have "been saved" (by calling on the name of Jesus), then you are no longer bound to, or beholden in any way to "The Law". Quite literally, it is a belief (expressed in several forms), that you have a free pass to do whatever you want, that all is "ok" once you have "asked Jesus into your heart". Some might call this explanation seriously over-simplified, but the end result is the same. Sin-filled lives that show no sign of repentance (or grieving of your spirit by sin).
This is the type of people that Jude 4 mentions within the local church that have "crept in" (have become members of that local church - fully enjoying the "privilege", without any chastisement or discipline from said local church for their unrepentant sin.
This is much like the condemnation Paul had for the Corinthian church who was turning a blind eye to the sin that was so vile, even the pagans didn't practice it (1 Corinthians 5) (for those that may not be aware - it was an incestuous relationship). By turning a blind eye, they were endorsing the sin behavior.
It is through this blind-eye, soft-sell Gospel (ask Jesus into your heart, but you do not have to submit to Him as your Lord or do as He says in His Word) that has led to ineffective witness in the world. It is why Christians and Christianity is no longer the "salt" - preserving and influencing the World with the Truth.
Jesus said, so very clearly - if you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDS! (John 14:15) In the next chapter (John 15:10), He said that if we keep His commands, we will abide in His love.
This does not imply that we must "work" to keep our salvation or to continue receiving Christ's love. It quite simply means that if our lives reflect His commands, if we are living according to His Word, it is a sign - a "fruit" that demonstrates we are of His vine. Saving faith is a permanent faith that always produces fruit. Why else did Jesus use the illustration of the vinedresser who cuts away the unproductive branches?
And ultimately, James' words that strike the point home - faith without works is a dead, worthless, useless faith... (James 2:14-20).
What kind of "fruit" is being produced when so many "churches" (including mainline denominations) turn a blind eye to a veritable laundry-list of popular sins?
- Homosexuality
- Rampant Divorce
- Adultery
- Pornography
- Idolatry
- Abortion
- Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
- and so very much more!
What kind of "faith" do you have? What kind of church do you choose to associate with? Would Jesus even recognize either?
This disease is Dead Faith.
This is the disease that James wrote of in James 2 that is a faith without works. Now, let me be clear on something, I in absolutely NO way believe, follow, or endorse ANY form of works-based salvation. Scripture is clear that Salvation is by Grace, through Faith ALONE (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Jesus Himself said that a tree is known by its fruits (Matthew 7:16, Luke 6:44). It is the life we live in this world that demonstrates if we are "in the faith". In fact, one way of "test your faith" (2 Corinthians 13:5) is by examining our works, our behavior, our lives. Whether it be our stewardship of all that God entrusts us with (finances, life, time, faith), or how we treat others we encounter in our walk (James 2:1-8). Do we genuinely hate sin? Are we grieved when we commit sin? Are we anxious to repent when we sin? Does this sin exercised in the world around us also cause us to grieve? If the answer to any of these is no - then there is no genuine fruit produced by the Spirit in you, as the Spirit of repentance is one of the first and biggest of fruits produced when we genuinely belong to the Lord.
So where am I going with this? Today's world, and particularly in this nation, we see many so-called "churches" proclaiming what is, in essence and practical application, a centuries (millennia even) old heresy known from several centuries back as Antinomianism (From the Greek words anti meaning "against", and nomos, which means "law" or "against the law". This is the theology/doctrine that if you have "been saved" (by calling on the name of Jesus), then you are no longer bound to, or beholden in any way to "The Law". Quite literally, it is a belief (expressed in several forms), that you have a free pass to do whatever you want, that all is "ok" once you have "asked Jesus into your heart". Some might call this explanation seriously over-simplified, but the end result is the same. Sin-filled lives that show no sign of repentance (or grieving of your spirit by sin).
This is the type of people that Jude 4 mentions within the local church that have "crept in" (have become members of that local church - fully enjoying the "privilege", without any chastisement or discipline from said local church for their unrepentant sin.
This is much like the condemnation Paul had for the Corinthian church who was turning a blind eye to the sin that was so vile, even the pagans didn't practice it (1 Corinthians 5) (for those that may not be aware - it was an incestuous relationship). By turning a blind eye, they were endorsing the sin behavior.
It is through this blind-eye, soft-sell Gospel (ask Jesus into your heart, but you do not have to submit to Him as your Lord or do as He says in His Word) that has led to ineffective witness in the world. It is why Christians and Christianity is no longer the "salt" - preserving and influencing the World with the Truth.
Jesus said, so very clearly - if you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDS! (John 14:15) In the next chapter (John 15:10), He said that if we keep His commands, we will abide in His love.
This does not imply that we must "work" to keep our salvation or to continue receiving Christ's love. It quite simply means that if our lives reflect His commands, if we are living according to His Word, it is a sign - a "fruit" that demonstrates we are of His vine. Saving faith is a permanent faith that always produces fruit. Why else did Jesus use the illustration of the vinedresser who cuts away the unproductive branches?
And ultimately, James' words that strike the point home - faith without works is a dead, worthless, useless faith... (James 2:14-20).
What kind of "fruit" is being produced when so many "churches" (including mainline denominations) turn a blind eye to a veritable laundry-list of popular sins?
- Homosexuality
- Rampant Divorce
- Adultery
- Pornography
- Idolatry
- Abortion
- Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
- and so very much more!
What kind of "faith" do you have? What kind of church do you choose to associate with? Would Jesus even recognize either?
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