We hear a lot in this nation the term "Gospel". Those of us in ministry focus a great deal on the term - yet so many have such a limited understanding of what the Gospel REALLY is.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:16 "it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
In a nutshell, the Gospel is the power of God for salvation - It is the outpouring of God's Grace and mercy towards sinners. It is the testimony of the miracle wrought by God in Jesus Christ - who, as John 1:1 clearly indicates has existed alongside God the Father from the foundation of the World (without beginning or end). This Jesus who "emptied Himself" to take on flesh, to dwell among mankind (Philippians 2), who lived without sin (though tempted in all means Hebrews 4:15), and who willingly gave His life for all who would believe.
But WHY would Jesus give His life for us? Because of His great love - and because we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23). We all deserve, even if we might seem to be relatively "moral", nothing but eternal damnation - because the wages, the just payment for sin is - Death (Romans 6:23).
I spent decades of my life with the belief that I could somehow balance out good for bad in my life. If I just did enough stuff that appeared to be the kind of stuff one just "ought" to do - then I would get entry into the "Pearly Gates".
But God...
You see, God doesn't leave folks in ignorance - He grants, through His Holy Spirit knowledge and conviction of sin. He then fulfills His promise to give us a new heart (His), and even a new mind (Ezekiel 36:26). He then regenerates us, granting us (through His Grace), faith unto salvation. The gift of Eternal Life, that is all, totally, and 100% a GIFT of God - that not a one of us could possibly brag or boast of what "we" did... Ephesians 2:8-9
And He did it all for HIS glory.
The Gospel... it isn't just words. It isn't just a "prayer". It is a very real, tangible, and powerful change in us, brought, empowered, and sustained by the Lord of lords, the King of kings - bought by His own precious blood.
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